Recent Publications

Salguero-Gomez R & Casper BB. In press. A hydraulic explanation for size-specific plant shrinkage: developmental hydraulic sectoriality. New Phytologist. [pdf]

Salguero-Gomez R & Plotkin JB. In press. Matrix Dimensions Bias Demographic Inferences: Implications for Comparative Plant Demography. American Naturalist. [pdf]

Ji, B. M.; Bentivenga, S. P. & Casper, B. B. 2010. Evidence for ecological matching of whole AM fungal communities to the local plant-soil environment. Ecology  91:3037-3046. [pdf]

Salguero-Gomez R & de Kroon H. 2010. Matrix models meet variation in the real world. Editorial of Special Feature. Journal of Ecology 98:250-254. [pdf]

Salguero-Gomez R & Casper BB. 2010. Keeping plant shrinkage in the demographic loop. Journal of Ecology 98:312-323. [pdf]

Salguero-Gomez R, Whiteside M, Talbot J & Laurance W. 2009. After Eco comes Service. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7:277-278. [pdf]

Casper, B. B., Bentivenga, S. P., Ji, B. M., Doherty, J. H., Edenborn, H. M. & Gustafson, D. J. 2008.Plant-soil feedback: Testing the generality with the same grasses in serpentine and prairie soils. Ecology 89:2154-2164. [pdf]

Lucas, R. W. & Casper, B. B. 2008. Ectomycorrhizal community and extracellular enzyme activity following simulated atmospheric N deposition. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 40:1662-1669. [pdf]

Lucas, R. W., Forseth, I. N. & Casper, B. B. 2008. Using rainout shelters to evaluate climate change effects on the demography of Cryptantha flava. Journal of Ecology 96:514-522. [pdf]

Doherty, J. H., Ji, B. M. & Casper, B. B. 2008. Testing nickel tolerance of Sorghastrum nutans and its associated soil microbial community from serpentine and prairie soils. Environmental Pollution 151:593-598. [pdf]

Lucas, R. W., Casper, B. B., Jackson, J. K. & Balser, T. C. 2007. Soil microbial communities and extracellular enzyme activity in the New Jersey Pinelands. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 39:2508-2519. [pdf]

Casper, B. B. & Castelli, J. P. 2007. Evaluating plant-soil feedback together with competition in a serpentine grassland. Ecology Letters 10:394-400. [pdf]